Hey baby, it's the Fourth of July! My dad keeps singing the same lyrics to me over and over. It's a catchy tune, but, enough's enough. Oh, and he keeps saying, "Happy Birthday, America!". I'm having a hard time understanding most of the things he says. I think he has a hard time understanding me babble too, so I guess it all works out.
On Sunday, we went to a bbq at Stephanie and Matt's house. Here's Sophia posing next to my bald head (her brother, Aidan, was off taking a nap).

Here I am with Katherine, aka Kitty B. Last time I saw her, I was around 7 pounds. Now I'm over 12!

And here I am with Sophia's mom, Stephanie. I'm tiny compared to the twins!

The next day, mom and dad took me to Santa Cruz. We had dinner at an Italian restaurant and everyone kept checking me out. Here I am with mom.

Here I am with my dad. He's good at hamming it up for the camera.

This picture was taken at about 4:00AM. Evidently my parents didn't realize that there is a 4:00AM, so I had to show them by waking up and demanding that they take me home. I had enough of Santa Cruz for one day.

We got home fairly quickly. Here is my dad multi-tasking. Feeding me, holding me and checking e-mail. What a guy.

Billie came over today. Her parents, Jakki and Andy, stopped by to have a picnic in our backyard with my folks. It was a nice day out, so we got a little sun. Well, as much sun as anyone can get in the shade of a tree.

Oh yea, playin' it cool on a lazy summer afteroon.

Wait a minute. How does Billie have more hair than me? I gots to get on the Rogaine train!

Hope you all have a good 4th of July!