A couple of weeks ago, my parents and I had some friends over for a BBQ in the backyard. My friends Aidan and Sophia, the twins, came. They are fascinated by me and my babyness. Oh, and thanks a lot Dad for taking so long to put this picture up. Sheesh.

Here I am at Grandma Carolyn's house. I started to sing that song, "over the river and through the woods to grandmother's house we go...", except I don't know how to sing. Oh, but I do impressions; impressions of pterydactyls. I'm sure we'll get a video of me doing my ptyerydactyl impression soon, but in the meantime here's a pic of me at Gma's house, cold chillin' on her couch.

Not many pictures of me smiling (kind of like my dad; he doesn't smile much when pictures are taken of him). This one of me and Gopal seems neat since I'm smiling. I especially like to smile now that I have TWO TEETH!

Had a late lunch with my Mom and Dad the other day. They tried to get a candid picture of me, but you have to get up pretty early in the morning to get one by me...

And here's me and my pops. Boy is he camera shy. Mom caught him as he tried to duck out of the picture. Why, poppa, why?

Here I am at Grandma Carolyn's house. I started to sing that song, "over the river and through the woods to grandmother's house we go...", except I don't know how to sing. Oh, but I do impressions; impressions of pterydactyls. I'm sure we'll get a video of me doing my ptyerydactyl impression soon, but in the meantime here's a pic of me at Gma's house, cold chillin' on her couch.

Not many pictures of me smiling (kind of like my dad; he doesn't smile much when pictures are taken of him). This one of me and Gopal seems neat since I'm smiling. I especially like to smile now that I have TWO TEETH!

Had a late lunch with my Mom and Dad the other day. They tried to get a candid picture of me, but you have to get up pretty early in the morning to get one by me...

And here's me and my pops. Boy is he camera shy. Mom caught him as he tried to duck out of the picture. Why, poppa, why?