Monday, August 07, 2006

Previous Posts
- Well, the big news is that we moved. Yup indeed, ...
- It's been hot lately. I mean REALLY hot. We're t...
- Mom and dad went to dinner, but that's ok, cause I...
- Yup, it's been a while. No real explanation for i...
- Usually I'm a happy-go-lucky kind of guy. But the...
- Hey baby, it's the Fourth of July! My dad keeps s...
- Oh come on...the cops are pulling ME over?License ...
- Here I am in one of my favorite pieces of furnitur...
- Uh oh. My dad in his infinite wisdom, felt a comp...
- Let's face it, I spend most of my time sleeping. ...
What's up D? Congrats on the rolling can be difficult at times! I must day that blue is definitely your color. You are so good looking you'll be fighting the ladies off with a stick soon. Hope you're having fun in your new house!
Lots of love,
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