I could bore you all by talking about work and how the end of the year is mind-numbingly busy. But I won't. When Lola was here last, she got to see Dexter and his brand new Christmas tree. The soft lighting is an extra added bonus of having light come from behind.

Yes, it's the holidays. One tradition here is the Lighted Yacht Parade in the Oakland Estuary. It started off slow, but then it got better. I tried my hardest to get some good pictures, but it was way to dark to capture the festively decorated yachts.

And what kind of blog entry would this be if we didn't have some kind of crazy picture of Dexter? Whatever he did (whether he broke something or lost something) he sure seems sorry, doesn't he?
Yes, it's the holidays. One tradition here is the Lighted Yacht Parade in the Oakland Estuary. It started off slow, but then it got better. I tried my hardest to get some good pictures, but it was way to dark to capture the festively decorated yachts.
And what kind of blog entry would this be if we didn't have some kind of crazy picture of Dexter? Whatever he did (whether he broke something or lost something) he sure seems sorry, doesn't he?
So cute!! That little face of his... so cute in all his seriousness...
Maybe Dexter's worried Santa forgot him. Don't worry little one. We all know how good you've been all year and Santa NEVER forgets good little boy like you.
Merry Christmas.
Tita Nini
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