Saturday, June 23, 2007

Dexter just realized that it's been almost two weeks since the last blog post. Boy was he ever surprised. He wants to wish all the lolos/dads/fathers/pops/grandfathers/grandpas a belated Happy Father's Day!

It doesn't need to be said that being parents nowadays makes us a thousand times busier than before Dexter joined our little family. That said, Dexter is becoming quite handy around the house. He's gotten into the habit of crawling into the freshly washed and dried clothes and to help sort out the laundry. By sorting out, I mean he proceeds to toss the clothes out onto the floor in no particular order.

Oh, and summer has just begun. Dexter LOVES fresh fruit. Mangoes, papayas, oranges, plums, nectarines, pretty much name it and he'll eat it. Right now he's on a peach kick.

We went for a bicycle ride in the Berkeley marina area and came across this cool little playground. Unfortunately, Dexter was not pleased, but he did poke his head out of this cool looking castle with turret.

As I've mentioned before, it's difficult to capture Dexter smiling in a decent photo. He smiles a lot. And when he smiles, it just makes everything in the world alright. If we had a busy day and we're super tired, seeing him smile makes it all worth while.


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