Dexter and Suzie had breakfast with Billie and Jakki the other day. Sometimes, not always, it feels like when a picture of Dexter is captured, it's like you can capture the essence of the moment. This moment feels like I can share Dexter's infectious laugh.

I've mentioned before that it's hard ot capture Dexter laughing. But what do you know, Dexter's having a good hearty laugh with Billie.

This past week has been one of those medical/dental weeks. Dexter had to go to the dentist for his first ever dental visit. Here he is at Dr. Manaloto DDS' office being held by Teresa with Dr. Manaloto getting in on the action.

And here is Suzie holding Dexter in the dental chair.

Later on in the week, Dexter had his one year doctor visit with his pediatrician, Dr. Parker.

Dexter has found that whenever he's not wearing a diaper, his hands go straight for his dingaling. He thinks no one's looking, but in reality, someone is ALWAYS looking.

Dexter took a moment to pose with Dr. Parker.

And lastly, here are Dexter's stats for his one year check up. Lookin' good, Dexter, lookin' good!
I've mentioned before that it's hard ot capture Dexter laughing. But what do you know, Dexter's having a good hearty laugh with Billie.
This past week has been one of those medical/dental weeks. Dexter had to go to the dentist for his first ever dental visit. Here he is at Dr. Manaloto DDS' office being held by Teresa with Dr. Manaloto getting in on the action.
And here is Suzie holding Dexter in the dental chair.
Later on in the week, Dexter had his one year doctor visit with his pediatrician, Dr. Parker.
Dexter has found that whenever he's not wearing a diaper, his hands go straight for his dingaling. He thinks no one's looking, but in reality, someone is ALWAYS looking.
Dexter took a moment to pose with Dr. Parker.
And lastly, here are Dexter's stats for his one year check up. Lookin' good, Dexter, lookin' good!
Oh my god, he's soooo cute! How can you resist kissing his sweet face all day long?
Concurring with Bex here: you have an incredibly adorable child. Those cheeks. I'm DYING. (And my ovaries are aching, ow ow ow).
Oh yeah, and the dingaling grabbing? That doesn't really ever stop from here on out. Just be glad he has the mechanism to both clench his fist AND the ability to unclench and release. A kid I once babysat made an early discovery of the ding and the ling and on multiple occasions grabbed a handful and tugged... and then couldn't figure out the letting go part so just kept yanking and tugging and crying (screaming, actually) and looking up the grown ups in the room like "why do you cause me this terrible pain?" while they scrambled to uncurl his little fingers. Ah, boys.
Not Dexter though. He is obviously a genius, it shines through in every picture!
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