It's been a year since my dad passed away and I was in Los Angeles to be with my family during the anniversary. We love you, pop! It was nice to spend it with my family, but it was difficult for me to be away from Suzie and Dexter.
Since it was just Suzie and Dexter, they went to the zoo to have some fun. Guess who's tall enough to ride the little car ride at the zoo all by himself?

While I was out of town, looks like Dexter was up to some counting. I'm going to start calling him, "Count Dexter".
Oh, and Dexter finally had a hamburger! Well, a hamburger pretty much being a hamburger bun and cheese, that is. I think he likes it.

We spent Saturday with Aunt Miriam and Uncle CJ. They took us out for daddy's birthday. We went to a pumpkin patch by their house down in Santa Clara after they took us out for a nice dinner and dessert.
Thanks again Aunt Miriam and Uncle CJ!

Autumn's in the air! Oh, and once Dexter puts on his sunglasses, it's kind of difficult to get him to not leave them on while pictures are being taken.

And a self portrait of Suzie and myself.

We took the ferry into San Francisco on Sunday. We came across a guy who was playing the accordion for some cash. Well now, most of you probably didn't know that Dexter's daddy plays the accordion. The only english I recognized from this guy was his incessant request for me to play "Oh sussannah". That's too easy for me. I had to bust out a little "Beautiful, beautiful brown eyes". Needless to say, daddy rang the bell cause school's in session, sucka! Dexter took care of the bass buttons for me (as you can plainly see). I also did a Tschaikowsky piece for the publlic, but my playing skills were so great, it blew the camera apart.

Oh, and when you play this video, make sure you turn up the volume on your computers. And hey, you might want to put on a helmet so you don't make a mess when I blow your mind with my mad accordion skillz!
Since it was just Suzie and Dexter, they went to the zoo to have some fun. Guess who's tall enough to ride the little car ride at the zoo all by himself?

While I was out of town, looks like Dexter was up to some counting. I'm going to start calling him, "Count Dexter".
Oh, and Dexter finally had a hamburger! Well, a hamburger pretty much being a hamburger bun and cheese, that is. I think he likes it.

We spent Saturday with Aunt Miriam and Uncle CJ. They took us out for daddy's birthday. We went to a pumpkin patch by their house down in Santa Clara after they took us out for a nice dinner and dessert.
Thanks again Aunt Miriam and Uncle CJ!

Autumn's in the air! Oh, and once Dexter puts on his sunglasses, it's kind of difficult to get him to not leave them on while pictures are being taken.

And a self portrait of Suzie and myself.

We took the ferry into San Francisco on Sunday. We came across a guy who was playing the accordion for some cash. Well now, most of you probably didn't know that Dexter's daddy plays the accordion. The only english I recognized from this guy was his incessant request for me to play "Oh sussannah". That's too easy for me. I had to bust out a little "Beautiful, beautiful brown eyes". Needless to say, daddy rang the bell cause school's in session, sucka! Dexter took care of the bass buttons for me (as you can plainly see). I also did a Tschaikowsky piece for the publlic, but my playing skills were so great, it blew the camera apart.

Oh, and when you play this video, make sure you turn up the volume on your computers. And hey, you might want to put on a helmet so you don't make a mess when I blow your mind with my mad accordion skillz!
Very good job for both Dexter and his Dad. Ramon, did you earn some cash for the guy who owns the accordion? Dexter, you did a very good job counting.
I noticed Dexter wearing his fireman's hat and yellow boots. That with his yellow coat, he can go as a fireman on Halloween.
Oh Dexter, congratulatiions on being able to ride the car all by yourself. You're growing up so fast.
Suzie, we missed you and Dexter the weekend Ramon came down. I can hardly wait to see you again. Thanksgiving will be here soon enough and I hope to see you then.
Nine, Ten, Twelve, Yeah!!!! Love it, especially in the Yellow Boots!
What a great counter and great bottle liner upper! What a big boy! So fun to get to see and hear the D Unit on video!
Love you all,
Hi Dexter,
Your Dad has not updated your blog and I'm wondering what you've been up to. are you all ready for Trick or Treat? Make sure to tell your Dad to send us pictures of you in your costume.
Hope you get a lot of treats.
I love this video! I especially love how Dex keeps trying to touch the accordion, too. Priceless.
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