Hello, everyone. We took a little jaunt out to Marin (Novato, actually) to visit Jennifer and little Amelia. Amelia and Dexter's birthdates are only three days apart. Looks like April is going to be a busy month for birtdays.

Strange, but seems like Dexter is afraid of the ladies. Amelia gave Dexter a little chase and Dexter, being the man that he is, started crying. Go figure.
Mom took the D-Unit to say hi to Auntie Shannon the other day. You can see the dimples, but the pacifier is hiding his toothy grin.

We walked down to Franklin Park since it was a nice day out. The merry-go-round is a big hit with the kids these days, from my understanding.

And the accompanying video for the merry-go-round.
Oh, here's a picture of Tita Katie at 17 weeks. Looks like her baby belly is coming along quite nicely. She finds out March 1st (Uncle Victor's birthday) whether or not she's carrying a little boy or a little girl. Eee! So excited! Dexter's future first cousin is called "Cutie" Coleman for now.

We had lunch with Auntie Shannon and Uncle Jeremy at a Dexican place here in Alameda. Here's the little man sharing a moment with his Uncle Jeremy.

Ok, this was a long blog entry and it makes a boy very tired. We must get our beauty rest, you know.
Strange, but seems like Dexter is afraid of the ladies. Amelia gave Dexter a little chase and Dexter, being the man that he is, started crying. Go figure.
Mom took the D-Unit to say hi to Auntie Shannon the other day. You can see the dimples, but the pacifier is hiding his toothy grin.
We walked down to Franklin Park since it was a nice day out. The merry-go-round is a big hit with the kids these days, from my understanding.
And the accompanying video for the merry-go-round.
Oh, here's a picture of Tita Katie at 17 weeks. Looks like her baby belly is coming along quite nicely. She finds out March 1st (Uncle Victor's birthday) whether or not she's carrying a little boy or a little girl. Eee! So excited! Dexter's future first cousin is called "Cutie" Coleman for now.

We had lunch with Auntie Shannon and Uncle Jeremy at a Dexican place here in Alameda. Here's the little man sharing a moment with his Uncle Jeremy.
Ok, this was a long blog entry and it makes a boy very tired. We must get our beauty rest, you know.
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