Ground control to Major Tom, "take your protein pills and put your helmet on".

Houston, we have a baby.

I really am frightened over the price of gasoline these days.

Don't even get me started on the price of dental care nowadays. Maybe I should lay off the Pro-activ.

I had a hot date for lunch today. Thought I'd take her to a fine restaurant and then have my mom pay for it since, well, you know, I don't have a job. But check out how cute I am.

Did I mention that I'm really cute nowadays?

I'm four weeks and I can KICK!

Houston, we have a baby.

I really am frightened over the price of gasoline these days.

Don't even get me started on the price of dental care nowadays. Maybe I should lay off the Pro-activ.

I had a hot date for lunch today. Thought I'd take her to a fine restaurant and then have my mom pay for it since, well, you know, I don't have a job. But check out how cute I am.

Did I mention that I'm really cute nowadays?

I'm four weeks and I can KICK!

That photo of Dexter sleeping with his papa is simply too much for words.. And happy (first) Mother's Day, Mama Suzie!
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